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Event: HKCS EASIG Seminar: Architecture for Digital Transformation (24 Apr 2017)

HKCS Enterprise Architecture SIG Seminar: Architecture for Digital Transformation

At this session Nigel Green will discuss how old Enterprise Architecture is becoming Evolutionary Architecture.   First, he will recap, & then continue the story he first told to the HKCS EA SIG in July 2016. This is the story of how a major European retailer is doing their digital transformation and the tangible business benefits of their cloud- enabled approach. This will cover both the business and technology architecture implications, and will include how a traditional business can benefit from the design patterns, and technologies adopted by the “born digitals” (e.g. Netflix, Google, and Amazon).   Finally, Nigel will introduce a set of easy-to-adopt tools & techniques that can help evolve towards the Digital Transformation. These tools have been branded “The Just Enough Architecture” toolset by his colleagues in the U.K. He’ll explain how he uses these tools every day; He helps both, traditional firms and start-ups, adopt the ways of the Digital-natives.

Event Details:

Date: 24 April 2017 (Monday)
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Venue: R502, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Language: English



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